So we are going to throw an extremely special offer your way.
Not that this is unheard of
(most of the stuff here is FREE), but I am going to give something away.
Here it goes.
Anyone who subscribes to this site by Monday, February 18th, 2008 will recieve,
Suze Orman's new book entitled:
This is selling on for 14.97 if you want to buy it....
Women & Money: Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny
but I know FREE sounds alot better to you.
Men this would be a great gift for your sisters, girlfriends, mothers, aunts, and grandmothers...
I personally think not much more needs to be said but here is the editorial review:
Money maven Suze Orman's latest book, Women & Money addresses the complicated (and often dysfunctional) relationship women have with personal finance. Orman's direct, non-condescending style is perfect for this subject matter--she begins with the premise that "Women can invest, save, and handle debt as well and skillfully as any man" and then tackles the important question--"So why don't they?" Designed to educate and inspire, Women & Money also offers a "Save Yourself Plan," a five-month program that "delivers genuine long-term financial security." Want to know more? Watch a video message from Suze below, and take a gander at the first chapter of Women & Money--you'll be "controlling your destiny" in no time. --Daphne Durham (excerpt taken from editorial review at
...last but not least, the link to subscribe.
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