Friday, February 15, 2008

Suze Orman- BOOK GIVEAWAY!!!

Honestly, the only way that we here at SHJ are going to be able to affect and touch peoples lives is if they know about us!

So we are going to throw an extremely special offer your way.

Not that this is unheard of
(most of the stuff here is FREE), but I am going to give something away.

Here it goes.

Anyone who subscribes to this site by Monday, February 18th, 2008 will recieve,


Suze Orman's new book entitled:

This is selling on for 14.97 if you want to buy it....

Women & Money: Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny

but I know FREE sounds alot better to you.

Men this would be a great gift for your sisters, girlfriends, mothers, aunts, and grandmothers...

I personally think not much more needs to be said but here is the editorial review:

Money maven Suze Orman's latest book, Women & Money addresses the complicated (and often dysfunctional) relationship women have with personal finance. Orman's direct, non-condescending style is perfect for this subject matter--she begins with the premise that "Women can invest, save, and handle debt as well and skillfully as any man" and then tackles the important question--"So why don't they?" Designed to educate and inspire, Women & Money also offers a "Save Yourself Plan," a five-month program that "delivers genuine long-term financial security." Want to know more? Watch a video message from Suze below, and take a gander at the first chapter of Women & Money--you'll be "controlling your destiny" in no time. --Daphne Durham (excerpt taken from editorial review at

...last but not least, the link to subscribe.

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